Scientific researches of faculty of economics. Electronic magazine.


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Clusters as a Mechanisms of Governance Discrete Structural Alternative

Shastitko A.E. Clusters as a Mechanisms of Governance Discrete Structural Alternative // Scientific Researches of Economic Faculty. 2009. V.1, Is.1. p. 26-43.Загрузить файл в формате PDF

The article contains an explanation of clusters as a form of economic organization from the perspective of the New Institutional Economics. It have been identified descriptive features of clusters: territorial localization of enterprises, operating in related industries and having dense ties along with reproduction of competition between producers of goods and services - close substitute. It is demonstrated that clusters might be presented as a hybrid form of institutional arrangements. It presuppose combination of resources, implementation of collective adaptation mechanisms, reproduction of competition mechanisms. It has been suggested clusters classification based on three criteria: existence of the core, localization of cluster members ties and mechanisms of clusters evolvement.

Key words: cluster, institutional arrangements, hybrid

JEL codes: B52, D23, L14, L52
