Semenov A.L. Specific of Mergers and Acquisitions in Russian Federation. Management Approach // Scientific Researches of Economic Faculty. 2009. V.1, Is.1. p. 44-61.
During last decades the tendency of corporate growth all around the world in the form of mergers and acquisitions is becoming inevitable. The mentioned process in Russia is very specific. The specifics include the forms and stages of acquisition process, the methodology of value estimation, the character and style of negotiation process, staff post integration policy, motives for mergers and acquisitions. The synergy motive is not typical for Russian companies. The great amount of hostile takeovers in Russia made extremely actual the development of specific corporate defense measures – preventive and operational.
Key words: mergers and acquisitions, hostile takeovers, corporate defense measures.
JEL codes: D 21, G 33, G 34, J 26.