Аleksey Yu. Belugin Evolution of the Concept of Food Security: History, Stages, Modern Interpretation // Scientific Research of Faculty of Economics. Electronic Journal. 2019. Volume 11. Issue 2. P. 120-141
The article describes the evolution of approaches to the concept of food security and its components in the world. Highlighted that the development is non-linear and the emphasis in the attention of the world community and political decision-makers to aspects of food security depends largely on the economic situation. In the 20th century, food security issues moved from the national to the global level, with subsequent involvement at the household, individual and nutritional levels. Noticed that the world tendency to synthesize and combine the problems of food security and nutrition security still does not find proper reflection in Russian scientific papers, legal documents and methods of food security assessment, indicating the possible direction of their improvement.
Key words: food security, food policy, hunger, poverty.
JEL codes: N 400, N 500, Q 180, O 150.