The work is devoted to a review of the results of the 147rd meeting of the Dispute Club “Economic Policy Knots” of the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (hereinafter referred to as ARETT) on the topic " Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Eurasian Economic Union". The purpose of the event was to discuss a number of issues related to the creation of the EAEU, integration processes within the union, as well as barriers to its development. The debaters were Igor V. Pilipenko, Director of the Institute for Competitiveness and Integration, and Evgeny Y. Vinokurov, Chief Economist of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development. The review presents the key ideas of the disputants, and also summarizes the main results of their answers to questions.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, Eurasian Customs Union, common market, integration.
JEL codes: F40, G18, О16.
Еkaterina А. Zubova, Alexander A. Izmailov, Leonid A. Tutov Review of the 147th meeting of the Dispute club “Economic Policy Knots” of the Association of the Russian Economic Think Tanks on the Topic “Development Problems and Prospects for the Eurasian Economic Union” // Scientific Research of Faculty of Economics. Electronic Journal. 2020. Volume 12. Issue 3. P. 91-102