Dear reader!
We are proud to bring you this new issue of the Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
This issue contains articles that discuss theoretical, methodological and historical aspects of economic science, as well as current challenges of the labor market, environmental topics, and state support of science. It has become a good tradition of the electronic journal to publish the works of young scientists who are making their first steps in scientific fields. This number is no exception.
The article “Space and Time in the Digital Economy: Evolution of Concepts and their Modern Ontological Status” examines the evolution of the concepts of “space” and “time” in historical retrospective and analyzes their metamorphoses at the present stage of the world economy digitalization. The economy, which has undergone significant changes over the past few decades, has an impact on the transformation of the ontological status of these concepts, rapidly transferring space and time from physical reality to virtual, creating new social institutions and revising relations in existing social formations. The future of social life and its long-term and short-term development depends on the answers to the fundamental questions posed in the article.
The study presented in the article “Ecology and Happiness: how Air Pollution influences Happiness of the Population” analyzes how air pollution affects the population’s perception of happiness. This choice of topic is not accidental. Research conducted in recent years confirms that the quality of life and people’s degree of satisfaction in life are affected by the quality of the environment. The key feature of this study is its cross-countries nature.
The article “Wage Dynamics of Vocational Education Employees in Far North” is devoted to the analysis of the wage dynamics of vocational education teachers in the regions of the Russian Federation which were defined as Far North regions as of 01.01.2018. The authors analyze wage dynamics in 2013-2018 in basic, secondary and higher vocational education and its alignment to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597 “On measures for the implementation of state social policy”. The article identifies the factors determining the achievement of target regional wage in vocational education indicators established for 2018.
The article "Adult Training in the Digital Age" is a translation of an article prepared by foreign colleagues, well-known specialists in the field of labor economics. The work deals with the impact of digital technologies on the creation of new jobs and the replacement of existing ones. According to the authors, in the near future the importance of professional skills of employees will decrease, and the value of their general skills, which are in demand in various professions, will increase. In this regard, the governments of the G20 countries should develop national adult education programs aimed at improving general skills of workers, in particular their theoretical, non-cognitive and digital skills. These common skills will allow employees to work using technology rather than competing with machines, which will increase their mobility and employability.
“Review of the Third Annual Conference of Journals Consortium at MSU Faculty of Economics” presents the results of the conference, which took place on October 23, 2019. Wide range of issues was discussed, including state scientific policy, methodology of economic science, digital and sectoral economics, macroeconomic modeling and sustainable development, demography and labor economics. The review also provides brief information on the previous conferences, outlines the key topics of the plenary session and gives an overview of the thematic sections.
The final article of this issue “Useful, informative book on Nobel Prize Winners in Economics” provides a review of the book "Nobel Prize Winners in Economics (1997–2018)" written by a Novosibirsk scientist Yu.P. Voronov. The author criticizes the division of economic scientists into mathematicians and theorists, as the strict and consistent criteria for such division is not possible. The majority of Nobel prize winners demonstrate both theoretical and instrumental research. The review examines Mr. Voronov’s attitude towards the current state of world economic research. Despite some inaccuracies and the subjectivity of his position, the reviewer acknowledges the high level of analysis provided in the book.
We are looking forward to your feedback on the articles published in this issue and welcome possible future cooperation.
The President of the Faculty of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professor Vasiliy Kolesov
Deputy Chief Editor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology
of economics of the Faculty of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professor Leonid Tutov