Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал.


27 мар. 2024 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал
04 сент. 2023 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал.
28 мар. 2023 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал
29 сент. 2022 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал

Tatyana O. Razumova, Maria A. Serpukhova Work-life Balance as a Criterion for Decent Labor Relations


In modern conditions, the issues of achieving a balance between family obligations and work functions are becoming increasingly relevant. Such a balance between two important spheres of human activity can be achieved only if the main provisions of the concept of decent work are implemented in Russia, and in the conditions of forced mass transition to remote work, it is subject to serious risks. The purpose of the study is to identify the key problematic aspects of combining family functions and work activities of employees in the context of finding a balance between these categories, through the prism of criteria for decent work and achieving sustainable development Goals. To achieve the stated goal of this work, the authors analyzed the key indicators of the concept of decent work in Russia, as well as conducted an author's study of the family-work balance, which allowed us to formulate a portrait of an employed person who successfully combines work and family functions.

Key words: decent work, family-work balance, family obligations, work, work activity.

JEL codes: J 220, J 290.

Tatyana O. Razumova, Maria A. Serpukhova Work-life Balance as a Criterion for Decent Labor Relations // Scientific Research of Faculty of Economics. Electronic Journal. 2020. Volume 12. Issue 4. P. 21-33

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