This article is an experience of creating a model of a creative man in the economy. Economics is a creative activity, because the essence of Economics is the constant creation of new things: new technologies, products, services, institutions, and the economic reality itself. Creativity is also one of the most important characteristics of the age of uncertainty – creative work is opposed to mechanical work that robots can perform, and needs special protection in the world of algorithms and opportunistic behavior; creativity is impossible without freedom, which depends on a variety of individual and institutional factors; creativity is expressed in the creation of new technologies that radically change the world and people. Thus, creativity is a factor of unpredictability, novelty in human behavior, so for a modern economy focused on the analysis of this behavior, the problem of creativity is particularly acute.
The purpose of the work is to create a model of a creative person in the economy. The paper uses comparative analysis, systematic and interdisciplinary approaches, and a historical approach.
Key words: model of a creative man, philosophy of creativity, creativity.
JEL codes: В41, D11.
Olga I. Lozina, Varvara N. Rogozhnikova, Leonid A. Tutov Model of a Creative Man in Modern Economy: Experience of Creation // Scientific Research of Faculty of Economics. Electronic Journal. 2020. Volume 12. Issue 4. P. 7-20