DOI: 10.38050/2078-3809-2024-16-4-125-149
This paper is the second part of an article, the first part of which was published earlier. It presents a discussion of the impact of G20 decisions on selected employment and labor market indicators. Attention is paid to the characteristics of the gender gap. The conclusions note that G20 decisions on labor and employment stimulate countries to implement various sets of labor market policies aimed at increasing employment opportunities, reducing unemployment, improving the quality of employment, promoting skills development and lifelong learning, promoting labor market inclusiveness, addressing informal employment and other areas, which in turn is reflected in the dynamics of the relevant indicators.
Keywords: G20, labor, employment, informal employment, underemployment, unemployment, skills mismatch, declarations of labor and employment ministers, inclusive growth.
JEL: J11.
For citation: Zotova, V.E. (2024) G20 Impact on Employment and Labor Market Development: Retrospective and Forecast (Part 2). Scientific Research of Faculty of Economics. Electronic Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 125-149. DOI: 10.38050/2078-3809-2024-16-4-125-149.