Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал.


27 Mar 2024 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал
04 Sep 2023 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал.
28 Mar 2023 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал
29 Sep 2022 Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал Опубликован новый выпуск журнала Научные исследования экономического факультета. Электронный журнал

Opening remarks

Dear readers!

We are proud to bring to your attention a new issue of the Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

This issue includes articles on a diverse range of topics. They present different approaches to the language of modern economic science and show the evolution of economic thinking, describe development issues within the framework of the Second Industrial Revolution, showcase tools for achieving the strategic goals of the socio-economic development of the state, develop proposals for improving the principles of industrial enterprise management, and touch upon the problems faced by the humanities, including economists, today.

The article "The Language of Modern Economic Science: Study Approaches" is devoted to determining the most promising approach to studying the language of economic science. Three main approaches to the study of the economic language are distinguished: terminological, economic and philosophical. Terminology draws attention to the term as the main unit of the economic knowledge system, economics analyzes the language as a resource, and only philosophy gives a holistic analysis of the language, highlighting its ontological and epistemological aspects, which allows researchers to raise the question of the nature of economic science and connect its language with the languages ​​of other sciences.

The article “«Well-being Standard» as a Tool for Achieving Strategic Goals of Socio-Economic Development of the State” presents the prerequisites for the formation and implementation of the “well-being standard” and its basic provisions. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for the formation of such standard. The work is based on theoretical and practical developments in the field of regulating the quality of life of citizens. The study showed that the "well-being standard" can become a basis for state policy in the matter of ensuring a decent and irreducible quality of life for the population of the Russian Federation, realizing the inalienable constitutional rights of citizens, developing the economy and increasing the efficiency and accessibility of public services, regardless of the subject of the federation.

The article "History of the Second Industrial Revolution" is devoted to the research of the spasmodic development of world industry in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. The article presents data on the rapid development of the electric power industry and electrical engineering, metallurgy, various means of transport (cars, aircraft, etc.), as well as different types of weapons. In conclusion, author makes a general analysis of the social changes caused by the Second Industrial Revolution in the most developed, technically advanced countries of the world.

In the article "Increasing Efficiency and Implementing the Principles of Leanness in the Production of Sandwich Panels for Special Vehicles", based on the experience of implementing the principles of lean manufacturing and the Kaizen ideology in industrial enterprises, as well as on the basis of the work of a number of specialists in the organization of production, authors propose steps to increase efficiency of sandwich panel production for special vehicles. They formulate proposals for the introduction of a number of lean manufacturing tools and reserch ​​the potential effect of the implementation of the proposed measures at the stage of production start-up.

The article “New Economic Thinking is but a Well-forgotten Old One” presents a review of the book by the Italian economist of the 18th century, A. Genovesi "Lectures on Civil Economy" as an example of the concept of cameralism against the backdrop of socio-economic thought of the transition period from feudalism to capitalism. The book contains many ideas that modern economics has lost or almost lost: for example, considering the economy in conjunction with all public spheres, which requires an integrated and interdisciplinary approach, as well as finding a balance of interests of various economic entities, etc.

The review "The Era of Cancel Culture and the Burden of Humanitarian Timelessness" presents the results of the discussion at the theoretical seminar "Debatable Problems of Modern Social Science and Economic Thought". The seminar was dedicated to the memory of V.A. Kutyrev. Economists, philosophers, historians, political scientists who took part in it presented a range of opinions on the “era of cancel culture” prevailing in the Euro-American world and the state of modern humanities.

We are looking forward to your feedback on the articles published in this issue and welcome possible future cooperation and contributions.

The President of the Faculty of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professor Vasiliy P. Kolesov

Deputy Chief Editor
Head of the Department of
Philosophy and Methodology of Economics of the
Faculty of Economics of
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professor Leonid A. Tutov


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